Why am I creating a blog?

1 minute read

I’ve been thinking about a way to share my projects, ideas and notes for a long time now.

How did I build this website

Why not Medium ?

Not being able to use $ \LaTeX $ in Medium convinced me not make the effort and host a blog elsewhere.
Sure, you can always find a trick to display your formulas there, but I still feel like I want to write my math in my Markdown file and be able to change it without going through the process of generating new images only to embed them in a post (I use this LaTeX equations online editor which is great to create slides). I might decide to publish a few things on Medium later on, but for now, this website should do the trick.

Why go with Jekyll ?

I felt like building this website would be a good web development experience as I decided to go with the Jekyll framework. After navigating through templates websites, I found the Minimal Mistakes template. It looks great, is easily customizable, responsive, exactly what I wanted for this website.
Jekyll is the framework I most commonly saw when it came to personnal website for the machine learning community, is popular and highly supported.

Why not WordPress ?

WordPress is too mainstream, I guess 🤷. Also, I already tried building a static website hosted on GitHubPages with WordPress (see this website I build for a friend’s project) and it was a pain. WordPress generates so many files, you can’t just edit one tiny little bit without going through a long building process.
